Boden's Crisscross Mate
The Crisscross
Mate is also known as Boden's Mate. Maybe one day you will get a
checkmate named after you! All you need are two bishops to make the X, and of course a queen could help, too. One bishop crisses and the other crosses. By,
Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka BoundingOwl).
Here is a classic example: White is able to sacrifice her queen because the black king is completely trapped. Notice how the bishop on f4 seatbelts the king to his square. We just need to attack the other diagonal! Follow the moves.
Now you try! It's another queen sac...

White to move and mate in two, no matter what Black does! First, threaten mate everywhere, then, crisscross!
Here is a variation on Boden's Mate. Once you are familiar with a
pattern you will start seeing it everywhere! This one starts out in a crisscross, but the knight will give checkmate. Do you see the only place the king can escape to?
Nice job! Here is another variation. Start with a crisscross, end with a... "crisscriss?"
Pattern recognition is a big part of chess. Practice your mating patterns! How many do you remember? See you next week, ChessKids!