Counting: Not Just for Kinders

Howdy friends!  This is Mrs Jessica E Prescott again, aka BoundingOwl, with a question for you:  Do you know how to count?  You might think that's a silly question, but read on to learn how simply counting attackers and defenders can mean you don't have to calculate many moves ahead!  



Learn this trick to help you evaluate positions.  First you need to know how much everyone is worth:

Pawn= 1 point

knight = 3 points

Bishop = 3 points (maybe a tiny bit more, like 3.2 or something)

Rook = 5 points

Queen = 9 points

King = the whole game!  You can't actually capture him so he's not worth a number.

You should know that points aren't everything!  As an example, let's look at this position.  Follow this common beginner's game.  Who do you think is winning?

The material is equal, a rook and a pawn = 6 points and a bishop + knight = 6.  (Actually you might consider the bishop higher than 3, another reason Nxf7 is no good.)  Let's look at the position.  White lost two attacking pieces for two defending pieces.  And who had more guys developed and in the center?  Definitely black!  White might be excited that black's king is slightly out, but white doesn't even have one piece to attack it!  

Remember in the beginning of the game, CDC (center, develop, castle) is the best strategy.  The position is just as important as the material!

Let's do an easy example now, and try to decide if the pawn is hanging (able to be captured for free) or protected.

Obviously the pawn is hanging, right?  Black will just capture it if it pushes. One way of figuring that out is by saying, "Okay if the pawn pushes, then black captures, then white captures, then black captures back.  And black is ahead!"  Another way is by saying, "There are two black attackers and one white defender.  Two is bigger than one, so black will come out ahead."

Let's look at a more complicated position.  Can you count the attackers and defenders now?

In this strange position there are 9 attackers and 9 defenders!  Remember that if someone moves, a piece behind it could also help defend.  Do you think the pawn is hanging or protected now?

It's protected!  Here's the rule:

If the numbers of attackers and defenders is equal, it's safe.  If there are more attackers than defenders, it's hanging!

Let's see what happens.  Remember to take with the lesser valued piece first.


Yay, counting is fun!  Tip of the week:  Ask yourself if it's hanging or protected every move.