Tricky Queen and King Checkmate Puzzles

Buenos dias!  Today we will look at sandwiches and sloppy joes (vegetables and tofu for me, Mrs Jessica Prescott, aka BoundingOwl!).   Queens and Kings are notorious for having great feasts, but in chess, a simple queen sandwich is all you need to deliver mate.  Here's what I mean:

Queen Sandwich


Sloppy Joe






Back Rank Mate

Let's see if you can find these tricky mate-in-twos.  You will create a sandwich, a sloppy joe, or a back rank mate.


1.  White to move.  Do NOT let the king escape from the a file!


2.  White to move.  The kings are perfectly lined up in opposition.  Now to bring in the queen!


3.  Super tricky!  Where does the white queen need to be for a back rank? Don't let him go left...

4.  Close in for the kill...

5.  This would be a stalemate if it weren't for that lonely black pawn on c6!  Sloppy Joe coming up!

How did you do?  Check your result:

1/5  Mouse  



2/5  Jackrabbit  

3/5  Muskrat  



4/5  Nutria    (Orange teeth!!)



5/5 Capybara  

(Biggest rodent in the world!)

If you are unsure how to do the queen dance, better review here!!Wink

Tip of the week:  Go make your mom or friend a sandwich (or a feast?).  They'll love it!