Chesscampeona on the Move; Leave Everything on the Board

Have you ever finished a game and felt like you could have done better? Or have you ever been scared of developing an attack because you were uncertain of it? Well, don't be. Leave everything on the board. As chess players we have an amazing opportunity to play an amazing sport, and if we are going to play it like everyone else, why not leave our best on the board?

In every game:

1. Give it 100 percent. Every time you sit to play chess, be ready to give it your all. What does 100 percent mean? It means following coaches' instructions, taking your time, analyzing, and understanding your position. Do not be afraid to talk to yourself and ask yourself questions during a game as I shared without readers in our last article.


2. Do not have any regrets. Do not get off the board and think "oh I should have attacked here" or "I should not have attacked there." Be certain and happy with your attacks because second-guessing yourself will cause you to never enjoy your game. So following your coaches' instructions, taking your time, analyzing, and leaving your best on the board. 

3. Never give up. When I was younger, I use to give up. I admit it. I would even give up on winning positions. Don't do that! When you have the opportunity on the board take it and fight your very best, because when you give up, you will never know how the game will end. 


This has been our team's philosophy. Therefore I hope it helps you as it has helped me! Remember, leave your best on the board every time you play! 

This was my toughest game in live chess last week. Remember to play me on Fridays in live chess from 6:30-8:30 Eastern!

Here's another tough game played against me!