Defensive Tactics Save the Day Part 2 (Tricky Stalemates)

Defensive Tactics Save the Day Part 2 (Tricky Stalemates) Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka BoundingOwl)

Priviet chess friends!  Hello!  If you followed last week's Defensive Tactics, then you are ready for today's puzzles...which are HARDER!  A defensive tactic is a trick you use in an emergency.  These tricks can completely turn the game around from a loss for you to a giant WIN!  Today we will look at stalemate tricks.  


A stalemate is when your king is NOT in check, but neither he nor any of your other pieces can move anywhere.  It may look like the king is trapped, but it's not a checkmate because there's no check.  Stalemates count as draws or half points only.  If you are winning you want the whole cookie, but if you're losing, you'll take half a cookie to no cookie at all!


1.) White to move and draw.  The oldest stalemate in the book!  Click on the MOVE LIST to see all the possibilities for a draw.








2.)  A terrible sacrifice to make, but actually those three pawns are worth way more than your rook anyway.  Pawns increase in value as they get closer to promoting.  White to move.











3.)    Another sacrifice.  Look for forcing moves.  This involves a double attack, too!  (Notice that if the black king were a bishop instead, this would be a criss-cross checkmate.  Sadly the king is a really old man and can't go very far.)








4.)   Use the same pattern as the last puzzle.  In two moves you will sac your rook by forking the king and queen and TRAPPING your own king.  Fun!








5.)  Bonus puzzle!  This trick uses a skewer.  Do you remember how to make a shish kebob?  First thing to see:  Black is pinning the pawn on h2.  What kind of pin is it?  Second thing to see:  Black is threatening checkmate with Qxh2.  Third:  Resign?  NO WAY!  White has a hidden resource.  Do you see how the king and the rook on h8 are lined up in a diagonal together?  







Once you eliminate the rook, no more pin!  And then, bye-bye queenie!


TIP:  Remember to stay strong and confident in your games.  Never give up in mind or move.