Devious Discoveries: Boa Constrictor Attack

Devious Discoveries:  Boa Constrictor, Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka BoundingOwl)

So, hello friends!  I hope you are enjoying the outdoors and playing in the yard.  Remember, you can grow your own food by putting seeds in a pot of dirt and watering them!  It's easy!  You might have to watch out for snakes snakes are totally harmless, but if you see a boa constrictor, go back inside and watch chess videos.


(garden snakes are non poisonous)



Boas are pretty amazing----and if they could play chess, oh man, everyone would be in check all the time!  They can strike quickly and wrap themselves around the king in two moves.  The snake tongue is split to sniff the air, and in chess, the forked tongue is good at discovered checks.  Pretty nasty!



These puzzles are all mate in twos.  They are mostly double check, so you have to see this video first.  It is your job to find the dynamic potential (=exciting possibility) discovery----who is lined up with the king?


1. White to move.  Do you see the rook on the open file?  If something is in your way, move it like a split snake tongue to make check.  Next you will squeeze the king into checkmate!









2.  White to move.  Discovered double check, then discovered double checkmate!  It doesn't matter which way the king goes.






3.  White to move.  Who is lined up with the king?  









4.  White to move.  Who is in between the queen and the king?









5.  White to move.  Knights and queens are best friends when checkmating.







6.  White to move.  Another knight and queen helper.






You should be starting to see the pattern quickly now.  Chess has so many great patterns!  These discoveries happen all the time once you recognize that straight line and piece-in-the-middle stuff.  

Snakes are always aware of what's between them and their dinner.  They stick out their tongues then pounce!  You can do it too on the chessboard!  I mean, I guess you could do it at the dinner table, but your mom might think you look kind of weird.

Sneaky snaky!  Have fun friends!  Cool                                   Tongue out