Guten Tag my chess friends! It is hot outside, so we must be sneaky. Simply sailing into a lake isn't always so easy. There are roads to cross, hawks to avoid, delicious mice to be on the lookout for, and etc. If we slither directly, it may not be safe. So we send out our slime-tongue to detect danger.
How do we detect if there is a tasty field mouse around? Send out .. THE TONGUE...
Did you notice that the rook on f8 was pinned? The tongue split and the snake gave check! The little mouse was trapped.
These puzzles are harder than last time. I hope you've been watching the videos! This is a discovered checkmate.
Discovered check is dasatardly! Remember if you move the piece in the middle, it has a superhero cape on. It cannot be captured by anyone but the king. Go ahead and put your bishop in danger by everyone. The king still has to escape from check FIRST.
Cool as a cucumber...
Discovering checkmate is the best! Here you get to discover and check TWICE!
The queen is in danger. Should you run away? No! Send out the tongue that cannot be captured! Now, no one can be captured. It's double check!
Auf wiedersehen! (That means goodbye in German.) Keep practicing your tactics to be a better chess player. And be nice to snakes---they are just practicing being sneaky to be better snakes! Did you discover anything today?