Professor: Welcome, class. I hope you've all survived the first four rounds of the class tournament.
Zephyr: Wei certainly has.
Lucian: Yeah, he's in first.
Professor: Yes he is, and he's played fairly well.
Thomas: But there still are three rounds left.
Hale: Sure, anything can happen.
Ryan: Just like AVRO 1938.
Zephyr: Is that what it's like? I knew it was like something.
Rachel: What's the plan for today, Professor?
Professor: I thought we'd review some of the highlights.
Zephyr: Highlights? I didn't think there were any.
Lucian: Well, not from you.
Zephyr: So far.
Professor: Anyhow, I thought the key battle of the first round was Idris vs. Wei.
Idris: At one point I thought I was winning.
Rachel: I thought you were, too.
Wei: I think I had the advantage most of the way.
Question 1: How can Black force an immediate win?
Hale: I have question, Idris. How come you resigned so quickly.
Idris: That's easy. I saw the entire line, right down to mate.
Thomas: It was a pretty nice king hunt.
Zephyr: Ah, the drawing master likes it.
Rachel: So he drew four games. So what?
Zephyr: So can I see the next position please?
Professor: Sure. It comes from Hale vs. Lucian in the second round.
Lucian: Do you have to show that? I played terribly.
Professor: It was kind of messy. But the conclusion was nice.
Question 2: What is White's quickest winning idea?
Zephyr: How does it feel to be mated, Lucian?
Lucian: Why don't you tell me, especially after we face each other in the last round?
Rachel: When did you get the mating idea, Hale?
Hale: Actually, I had it in mind for quite awhile.
Ryan: It reminded me of a game you had earlier in the year.
Hale: Yeah, it reminded me of that game, too.
Zephyr: Are we done yet?
Professor: No, we're not. Let's take a look at another Lucian game.
Lucian: I hope not my third round game against Idris.
Professor: That's the one. It had some interesting points.
Lucian: If you say so, Professor.
Question 3: What is White's best move?
Lucian: I had just played queen to f8.
Idris: You probably expected me to trade queens.
Lucian: Uh huh.
Lucian: Can we move to the fourth round, Professor?
Professor: Why not?
Rachel: What game, Professor?
Professor: I thought we'd examine your game against Wei.
Rachel: Yeah, I lost as Black.
Wei: I had a strong attack.
Rachel: I thought I could hold. I miscalculated.
Wei: You have nothing to be ashamed of.
Zephyr: Do I have to listen to this?
Lucian: I've never known you to listen to anything. Why start now?
Professor: Let's take a look at the last few moves of that game.
Question 4: What is White's quickest winning idea?
Rachel: I missed your winning idea completely.
Wei: I saw it earlier. I thought it might be there. And it was.
Zephyr: How nice for you, to have a prevision like that.
Professor: Zephyr, be nice.
Zephyr: Okay. It's only a movie. I mean, it's only a chess game.
Professor: Whatever you mean, that brings us to our final position.
Ryan: What's that, Professor?
Professor: Idris vs. Ryan, round 4.
Question 5: What is the simplest way for Black to force a draw?
Ryan: Actually, I was exhausted and just happy to come away with the half point.
Idris: I was tired, too. I needed a break.
Professor: I think we can all use a break. We have three more rounds this weekend.
Zephyr: Is that a threat?
Lucian: Oh Zephyr, you wouldn't know a threat if you saw one.
Zephyr: We'll see. Don't forget. We face each other in the last round.
Lucian: I haven't forgotten. I wish I could.
Answers below -- Try to solve NM Pandolfini's puzzles first!
Answer 1: Black's king hunt ends in mate after 13 moves!
Answer 2: It's over in four moves.
Answer 3: White wins with the direct 1. Rxf7!, letting his queen hang.
Answer 4: White mates in five moves.
Answer 5: Black reduces to a positional draw.
Take Note
The standings so far:
Wei has 3.5 points is in 1st;
Ryan has 3 points and is 2nd;
Hale has 2.5 points and is in 3rd;
Idris and Thomas are 2-2, tied for 4th and 5th;
Rachel has 1.5 points and is 6th;
Lucian has 1 point and is 7th;
Zephyr has a draw and is in last.
Here's a look at the tournament crosstable: