"In chess, you look for the best move," Professor Pandolfini began. "But if you had to, could you do the opposite? Could you find the worst move? Consider this position."
Question: "What is the worst move Black could play?"
Answers Below - Try to solve ProfessorPando's Puzzle first!
Zephyr thought it over.
"I think I understand," she said. "Black could lose a rook. That would be bad. Black could lose two rooks. That would be worse. But there's something even worse than that: getting mated. "I think I have it. I know black's worst move."
What was Zephyr's answer?
Answer #1
Zephyr determined that black's worst move is 1...Kd8.
That allows white to mate by 2. Qd6#.
Take note
This type of mating pattern, with black's rooks blocking on both sides, is known as an epaulette mate.