Hi kids! So, you've been diligently reading every chess article. You've been practicing your tactics. You're beating people in every country. You can name every pattern we've learned so far............Right?
Well, we will see! Can you find the checkmates in the following puzzles? Can you name them? Detailed answers will follow at the very end. Look for forcing moves!
1.) Swallow's Tail Mate. The pawns act as the tail of the bird and prevent the king's escape. The first move is forcing (always look for checks first!). This is also a helper checkmate. The knight and queen are BFFs for checkmates.
2.) Back Rank Mate. Use the decoy tactic to lure the black rook and queen away from their defensive positions. Every move is forced! Black has different ways of responding to your checks, but he's busted no matter what.
3.) The Arabian Mate. The oldest checkmate ever! It's a good one to know because you don't need your queen. The knight protects the rook like in a helper mate, too.
4.) Venus Fly Trap or Smothered Mate. You knew this one immediately! Remember to use the discovered double check to get the knight to the right place. He has to guard the queen so the king can't capture her. You would feel very sad if you lost your queen and messed up the mate.
5.) Boden's Mate or Criss Cross Mate. Each bishop creates a diagonal line around the king. A queen and bishop can also do the criss cross mate. Fun with queen sacs!
Did you get them all right? Naturally. Click on the names of the mates to review these lessons if you missed any. (You didn't miss any?)
Back to the Greek Gift next week! Plant the seeds from your watermelon and watch them grow!