Remove the Guard: A Sneak Peek at BoundingOwl's Book!

Hey there, ChessKids!

Today, you will get a preview of the activity book I wrote: My First Chess Book: 35 Easy and Fun Chess Activities for Children Aged 7 Years+.

You can ask for this book at your local bookstore, or find it on Amazon!

This book starts out easy, but then gets harder. Each basic chess theme is described in a short paragraph, and then you get to play a game! The game will help you understand the lesson -- and you don't even need your chess teacher to explain it!

Coach Jessica (BoundingOwl) at a book signing!

The activities can be played alone, in a pair, or even in groups, so bring your book to chess club or parties!

These activities come from all over, and some are super popular, like "Bughouse."

But today I'll show you a game that I made up, that will help you practice the tactic "remove the guard." First you have to know what a hanging piece is.

Removing the guard is a tactic that requires two steps.
1.) Identify a loose piece or target square.
2.) Remove whatever is defending it! If you use a forcing move, like a capture, then you can win material or even the game!
The activity will require two players. When you capture a piece, you also remove from the board what that piece was protecting! 
Use these excerpts from my book to complete the activity:

Let BoundingOwl (Mrs. Jessica E. Prescott) know how your games go here.