Blind Swine Mate

Blind Swine, Ms Jessica Era Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

Hello, friends!

Today we are going to discuss the peculiarly named Blind Swine Mate.  I'm not entirely sure what this has to do with pigs, but, okay, I didn't name this one. 



I just looked it up.  Apparently an attacking player named Dawid Janowsky decided that rooks which can only "grunt out check" should be called blind swine.  Well, so there you have it.

You may have seen two rooks on the 7th (seventh) rank run around eating all the little pawns.  They are very good at it.  They guard each other (called connected, or, yes, a BATTERY).  And they attack, attack, ATTACK!  Laughing



It's pretty hard to stop mate once two rooks are on the 7th.  Notice how they completely trap the king on the 8th rank (back rank).





How do you threaten mate in one here?  Can the rooks do it alone this time?  This is a forced mate.





And, sadly, I lost a game this way:  the classic back rank mate.  Almost any move wins.  Be sure to click on the MOVE LIST to see other options for checkmate.






1.  Rooks like open files.

2.  Rooks love the 7th rank.

3.  2 rooks on the 7th are unstoppable!