Host Fast Tournaments on ChessKid!

Fast Chess Tournaments are one of the most requested features on ChessKid! This is a way that your class or club can all play together as a group in a live event.

Tournaments on ChessKid are competitions held in a Club - so, the first step to hosting a Fast Chess Tournament is making sure your Club is set up and includes your current student roster.

What are "Fast Chess Tournaments"?

 How to set up a Tournament:




After you click "Create Tournament," set your tournament parameters:

Note that as the Tournament Director, you do NOT need to be online for the event to take place. Once you've set up your tournament, the site will pair the rounds and the event will begin automatically (as long as the minimum number of players register).

Fast Tournament parameters


You have options to set:


How to see the Tournament you've created:

Once created, you and the Kids in your Club will see the Fast Tournament tab if they are logged in to Fast Chess (remember for right now they must be on the desktop [browser] version and not the app). This is also where you can cancel a tournament you've set up.

Fast Tournament tab


How do Kids join your Tournament?


Here are some important tips for your players:

We really hope you enjoy Fast Tournaments with your Club! A great idea is to host weekly tournaments at the same time each week, so your kids know exactly when to be online -

Remember to leave your feedback in this Parents and Coaches forum! Enjoy!