Read a Book; Create a Mate: Anastasia's Wizard Mate

Anastasia's Wizard's Checkmate... by Ms Jessica Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

One day, I suppose there will be a Harry Potter Checkmate.  Did you see that live chess battle in the first movie?  Looked like fun!  Anastasia, like Harry, was a character in a book.  I'm pretty sure she wasn't a wizard actually, but that's okay.  Clearly anyone can play chess.



This checkmate kind of looks like a Back Rank Mate or Side-File Mate (sometimes called "sci-fi mate").  Notice how the knight cuts off the king's escape squares, while the rook gives checkmate.  You always need some piece giving check, otherwise it can't be checkmate!




Now try a mate in two.  Sometimes you get to sacrifice to open up the h-file, or side-file, for the other rook.



Anastasia Romanov's Family


Have you made your own checkmate yet?  Try another Anastasia's Mate in three. Each move is forcing (check).






(Ron as a pretty seriously hard-nosed knight.)


Voila!  You ready for a tough one?!  Really?  Okay, this puzzle is both white to play AND black to play.  When white goes first it's a mate in two.  It's a variation on the Anastasia's Mate, also called Sci-Fi mate, here. 

I'm not going to tell you the answer for black to move!!  It's a mate in five, and you have to sac twice, then give up the exchange!  Do you have the answer?

Send me your answers!  See you next week with more forced mating patterns
Till then:  Go outside and play.  And wear sunscreen.  Bye!