Hello Parents and Coaches!
So your kids have all the rules to chess down, they know how all the pieces move, and have even figured out the confusing en passant pawn capture. What is the next step?
Here is a list of three big areas that can help students reach the next goal.
1. Mate in one is always fun! Solving hundreds of mate in one puzzles teaches students how to coordinate their pieces to attack, checkmating patterns, and it helps build their confidence as they are taking their first steps.
ChessKid has puzzles by theme, and here's the mate in one theme!
2. Hanging Pieces! When students start playing they will give away pieces for free in almost every game. Teaching them the importance of winning material, making sure the move is safe, and looking at the entire chess board for captures will make them a stronger player almost overnight!
Here's the hanging piece theme in puzzles!
3. Start Strong! Students need to learn the 3 big opening principles in order to start strong. 1. Control the center, 2. Develop pieces quickly, 3. Castle the king. Be sure to show plenty of examples to your students so they can see the big three in action!
Here's a series of ChessKid videos on the opening!
Following these three ideas will help your students play with confidence!