Video Tutorial Series

Hi ChessKid Parents, Coaches & Teachers -

This is a video tutorial series to help you get set up on the site and using ChessKid with your children & students. We'll be updating & adding new videos. Let us know what topics you'd like to see!


Scroll down to see videos on these topics:

Do you work with many students and multiple coaches? This Enterprise Video Tutorial Series is just for you:

ChessKid Enterprise Account Tutorial Series:


Video Tutorial:

How to Set up a Fast Chess Tournament

Video Tutorial:

How Kids Can Join a Fast Chess Tournament

Video Tutorial: 

FunMasterMike shows how to Register & Create Kids on ChessKid

Video Tutorial:

Log in, Create Kids, View Gold Memberships

Video Tutorial:

The Kids Page

Video Tutorial:

Set Up & Manage a Club

Video Tutorial:


Video Tutorial:

How to Play a Game in Fast Chess

Video Tutorial:

Guardianship: How to Switch Primary Guardianship

Video Tutorial:

How to Play a Game in Slow Chess

Video Tutorial:

Set Up Multiple Kids' Accounts

Enterprise Video Tutorial Series

If you work with a large program, like a school district or a teaching organization, you may have been told you have an "Enterprise Account." ChessKid Enterprise Accounts have some special features for managing many students and multiple coaches. We've got a special video tutorial series just for you!

Enterprise Video Tutorial Series:

Tutorial 1: What are "Enterprise Accounts? How are they different from regular Gold Membership accounts?


Enterprise Video Tutorial Series:

Tutorial 2: Setting up your Enterprise Account Structure


Enterprise Video Tutorial  Series :

Tutorial 3: Assigning Gold "Seats"


Enterprise Video Tutorial Series:

Tutorial 4: Creating Enterprise Kid Accounts


Enterprise Video Tutorial Series:

Tutorial 5: Using "Registration Keys"


Enterprise Video Tutorial Series:

Tutorial 6: Enterprise Account Features & Groups vs Clubs