A Coach's Best 'Rook Endgames'

There is a good reason why rook endgames are the most common endgame. Rooks generally are the last pieces to be traded since they take the longest to develop. A little bit of basic knowledge in rook endgames can go a long way!

Remember that rooks hate pawns! And since pawns are blocking all the files to start the game, rooks hang back and wait for the dust to settle before figuring out where they want to be.

Coaches: Here's three rook endgames I like to show my students. Maybe you'll get a lot of use out of them too.

1. Rooks Behind Passed Pawns!


2. Rooks on the 7th Rank!


3. Rook Ending Tactics!

Learning to play confidently with your rooks will help you save and win more chess games! Best of luck to everyone!
Check out these great videos in chesskid.com for more Rook power!