Play in ChessKid's Annual Blitz Contest
Join our Second Annual Back to School Blitz battle, taking place in September right here on!
Contest results:
Grand Prize Winner:
MeanIrony (playing a game with FunMasterMike)
Second Prize Winners ($20 shop merch gift cards):
Congratulations to all the winners!
Brace yourself for a challenge like no other! Play a whopping 100 fast chess games over the course of September and you may get the incredible opportunity to face off against the legendary FunMasterMike himself. And that's not all – victorious players will have the chance to claim fantastic ChessKid merchandise as their well-earned prize.
Are you up for the blitz? Join us and let the games begin! 🏆👑

Read below to see how you could become famous by having your game featured in an exclusive ChessKid video!
- The contest begins at 12 a.m. Pacific (Los Angeles time) on Sept 1, 2023, and ends at 12 a.m. Pacific on Sept 30, 2023.
- The contest gives everyone a fair chance to win. Every ChessKid who plays at least 100 games in Fast Chess in September will be entered into the draw to win. One lucky ChessKid will be selected at random to play FunMasterMike in a video that will be included in the videos section of ChessKid forever!
- There is no advantage to playing more than 100 games (except that you'll get better at chess, of course!)
- This contest is more about encouraging ChessKids to actively and consistently play chess rather than finding an overall champion.
- But you'll only get better at chess if you play slowly, think your moves through, and try your hardest in every game.
- You have plenty of time (an entire month) to reach 100 games, so use it! If your name is selected, a staff member will look at your game history to make sure you played real, fighting games! If you're the lucky winner, you'll get to select your best game that you want FunMasterMike to record into a video.
- To enter the contest, join the ChessKid Official Club - that way, we will be able to track who has played 100 games or more.
- As a second prize, we will also randomly give out merch gift cards to our ChessKid shop for kids who get to 100 games.

- The contest is only for games in September 2023.
- To be included in the draw, you must have played 100 games in September.
- No games under ten moves will count, nor will games where you've resigned in a reasonable position. Please play all 100 or more games to their fullest as you normally would on the site!
- You may only play under one account (ChessKids should not be using more than one account anyway!)

Fair play for all competitors:
- To be eligible, ChessKids cannot play more than 10 games against other ChessKids under the same guardian. (So you should not be making direct challenges - instead, click the orange "new game" button to seek a game.)
- To clarify, though you can play more than 10 games against your friends under the same guardian (like your parent or coach), no more than 10 of those games will be counted for your total wins or games played.
- You must play on your own account. (Do not have two ChessKids using the same account.)
- Slow Chess games do not count - this is only for Fast Chess.
- Adult accounts are not eligible.
- ChessKid reserves the right to disqualify any account that we feel has competed in an unsporting fashion or committed any ethical violations.
- Any cheating will lead to disqualification and account closure.
In short, we want everyone to be competing honestly and for everyone to be given a fair chance to qualify!
Join the ChessKid Official Club and you are all set.
Good luck and happy playing!