ChessKid Announces New Guide For Chess Beginners

Introducing the all-in-one chess guide designed to help beginners learn the game of chess. This interactive Ebook is packed with tips and tricks, how-tos, advice, stories, and other interactive resources to help beginners learn chess.

Download the ChessKid Beginners' Guide To Chess 

We cover all the basics and include fun graphics and links to help the learner build their confidence.  Here are just some of the cool new features that make this guide the perfect learning tool:

1. ChessKid Tips For Improving Your Play

Our newest animal bots are making their debut in our new Ebook, and kids will enjoy their many helpful tips throughout.


2. How-Tos On Everything You Need To Know About Chess

The guide provides more than 125 specific how-tos important for learning to play chess. One hard concept for a beginner to grasp is special moves. We dedicate a whole section to the how-tos of these moves.

Special moves

3. Warnings About Mistakes And Traps

Do you know how to avoid mistakes beginning players typically make? Do you know how to avoid traps that occur often in chess games? The guide has everything that you need to know.

Warnings and traps

4. Explanations Of Chess Terms And Concepts

We start at the beginning with learning the pieces! But this Ebook also is educational for players beyond the beginner level. We show how to win by thinking like a chess champion and leveling up your game with analysis, puzzles, and more.


5. Exclusive New Infographics 

Get illustrations and educational infographics important for every beginner that teach as well as entertain, such as this one on chess etiquette.


Download the ChessKid Beginners' Guide To Chess


Get Our Other Ebook Guides For Parents And Teachers

ChessKid hopes that you will be pleased to have this resource and will use it frequently. It is the third Ebook that ChessKid has prepared — and the first one written specifically for beginners. The other two are also helpful:

We hope that our growing collection of Ebooks provides the tools that you need to enjoy the game of chess and that you will continue to look to ChessKid for providing the chess resources that you need.