We had 198 kids solve 100 puzzles or more, making them all eligible for the random drawing. Remember that three kids get to play FunMasterMike and have their game made into a video.
There was no advantage to solving the most puzzles, except that you got smarter than anyone else! We are going to list all 198 in order to make sure you get recognition, but here's "page one" of the leaderboard (just for posterity!) at month's end:
Here's the complete list of the 198 kids who were in the drawing, in order from most to least solved:
abinavdinesh, LittleBrainiac, harrychau, EliteTusk, SAHSMatthewos, ZippyWolverine, timeforchess, SecretSilver, ChessNYCRyanC, Tachou369, juniscool, CShawThomas, OrganicMarshmallow, HulkingHunter, Johnson, RainbowKennedy2, krokko4, LeviFin, TinyPassenger, BlackFerrari, FoamyAirport, BaseballBanana, ladyknightma, RainbowMegan2, DemiB, FineSister, Guest1302010, RockDragon, Hpotter12345, ColumbiaYuti, SourPocket, ChessNYCTritonO, AmazingAnnie, DECJames, SABSMSJessica, BDG-Ryan, SAHNWKazumasa, ChessBlitze52670, SAHSPhilipos, NinjaYZ, BestGerbil, armaan15, Springer, GWShubh, FlowerBlossom, ScarceWing, IckyStew, SpeedyVeil, RJohnson, GWRohan, OttersLeightonC, sirknightjl, WCCAnish, RainbowKarsten, RooksKnight, DryBadge, SJNThomas, OpenMeteor, Josefine10, BrinyEagle, UpbeatTablet, MadisonJosh, NextOat, ColbaltSleet, EastoverColin, MadBandit, ChessNYCNathanielM, WholeCrook, DavidNe, Thehen, RollingDalmation, mystic_boy, BubblyGoat, GiddyFur, VincentGuo, RainbowNicholas, 318arthur, AquaticViolet, RainbowAlex8, MCSNicholas, RRCCAndy365, RainbowMallory, JubilantAluminum, ObsoleteRook, RainbowEdward, GracefulPlay, FuturisticScaro, GrayNight, MangoBunny, WBAdithya, SixthMole, AbsurdYak, Mattman32133, naganaga, 100relays, FriendlyFiend, cuber705, CulturedSalmon, YoungCorn, SamuraiEZ, ColumbiaShreya, FierceForest, Audreyl, cutestcat, LooneyParrot, jack166, JohnChan, BubblyTank, Luis2015, FullMozzarella, BabblingBoy, Lowish_monkey, ColumbiaSherwood, Gambit90163, SteepKrypton, RainbowGeon, ERINZC, Legosquirrel, imlua, spaceface, SmartMarmalade, speed878, SpeedyCamp, CleanCastle, Dominator008, DerpAwesomeness, NPSB028, PilotDaniel, Kaleb2015, SCDS2019JLL, KBloxK, Judahthelion, RoyalCloth, dragongirlxoxo, Eitan28, EnviousPig, Dorofeya, Tristan2015, CompleteTent, AbleFalcon, CH04Wilson, RapidPuma, jaden2014, HeritageChristopher, WackyRaccoon, dorali, TJUSAI, maxwellchess, treviana, SnoozingSong, RapidOpera, VariousSweater, BrilliantPuzzle, ReflectivePanther, SaltyBorder, KryptoKnight, JazzyAnswer, CurvedStage, ScreechingGlass, CoachJamil, GentlePanda85, Ryana27, Danielking, UnknownCalculator, SpinningScarecrow, Uncle03, FriendlyFort, AresSi, HeroicKing, KingOfTheTriceatops, SamGamgee, SteadyBank, MasterEthan, Ayahfya, Hotwheels, FastPlatinum, WarlikeSon, MagicKey, HeritageMadhushalini, emilwil, CrowdedMane, Panther, ClaraSpds, Faith2015, JayWood, JuneFlower, GMKartik, kevin11, HeroicShark, DaWabbit, EasyTaxi, StingyVolcano, ChrisHa, Rheanca, binhl, WillEd, EvenCub, hamptompark, CH01Tyler, AntsHull
Using the web site random.org three winners were chosen: WillEd, MasterEthan, and HulkingHunter!
Please look for videos of their games with FunMasterMike, appearing on the site soon. Also look for the next ChessKid site-wide contest. The King of Fast Chess Contest will be returning in Spring, 2016!
Thanks for competing and becoming tactical monsters!