We are thrilled to share that ChessKid has just reached 100,000 subscribers on its YouTube channel! 👏 This is an incredible milestone and we couldn't have gotten here without you!
The YouTube channel launched in 2019. In the early days, it featured videos from the ChessKid site. But that quickly evolved into something special with original content from fun chess personalities. Today, the channel offers engaging lessons, handy tutorials, and game reviews all designed to help kids improve their chess skills.
A big part of ChessKid’s mission is to be a safe and fun platform for kids to learn chess. We’re proud to be a part of YouTube Kids, a family-friendly app that has a filtered version of YouTube for kids to safely explore.
Every grand master has to learn the basics of chess before they go pro. This video has racked up ChessKid’s most views explaining how to play the game.
These shorts include:
In this video, FunMasterMike teaches you how to set up the chessboard from start to finish. Figure out where to confidently put the pawns, rooks, bishops, kings, and queens.
There’s some clever traps that happen early in the game. This video shows you how to defend against those quick advances.
There are many times in the opening where the queen is aiming at your poisoned pawn, but you can learn how to let her take the poison!