The Complete Guide To Features

There are hundreds of ways to enjoy chess! At ChessKid, our site makes playing, reading about, watching, and studying chess easier. Whether you’re using ChessKid on your own, with your school friends, or with a coach, we’re here to make your experience fun and enjoyable!

Because we have so many features, we've created this article to help you keep track track of what we offer. We'd love for you to get the most out of ChessKid, and that starts with knowing exactly what you can do.

Play is the largest chess site for kids in the entire world! Over 8 million kids have an account with us, so you’ll never have to wait long to find a game of chess



Puzzles are a must! On ChessKid, we have one of the most impressive libraries of online chess puzzles the internet offers. 





1 on 1 chess coaching cartoon image

Coaching: The fastest way to improve in chess is learning with a real live chess coach! There are many benefits of using a chess coach. We've teamed up with Magnus Chess Academy to offer live small-group lessons with experienced chess coaches. Find out more at ChessKid Coaching, or Join Magnus Chess Academy today.


Whether you want to improve or relive your brilliant moments, analyzing your games is the best tool.'s state-of-the-art Game Review feature provides members with a sophisticated analysis experience that helps you to understand your game on a deeper level. You can analyze your chess game in two ways:



If you enjoy chess, why not carry it in your pocket? has many different apps that can help you enjoy the game wherever you are and whenever you want.

Customization is your online chess home, and we want you to feel happy here. That's why, just like at your house, you can customize the site to express yourself and your own personality.


Chess can be even more fun when your friends join you! 


Whether you want to watch kids beat FunMasterMike, or see your favorite chess stars like FM Tani Adewumi, you can check out all of our upcoming events in one place!


ChessKid is a unique teaching platform chosen by teachers and chess educators worldwide. We understand that teachers themselves may range from novices to advanced chess players. Our site offers resources and tools to cater to your teaching needs, regardless of your own playing level.


Resources help parents, teachers, and coaches inspire the next generation to take control of their chess skills. People love our posters, e-books, and guides!


Pricing offers different memberships to best fit your needs. Check out our membership plans.