Test Your Skills With These Endgame Puzzles!
Hey ChessKids! Do you remember how to win the Lucena position?
Have you been practicing your king, pawn, and rook endgames? Try to convert these positions to a clear win.
You will have to know:
to solve the puzzles today!
1. Rule: Do not get into a "passive rook" situation. If you are trying to draw, you'll have to make checks! Here Black is doomed. White sets up for a seriously scintillating skewer!
Rule: Don't put your rook on the last rank. It's a passive rook again! White wins with the same technique: swing the rook over,
force a skewer, and
mate or
3. Rule: Keep your king in front of your pawn, and try to get to the 7th rank! Does this look familiar? White to move and win. (It could be Black's move and White would still win this.)
4. Rule: Remember to push the king to the next file, then build thebridge! White to move and win.
Rule: Look for this tactic when your pawn is on the 7th! Even though White's rook is trapped in front of the pawn so it appears the pawn cannot promote, White has an awesome trick!
"I'm gonna get promoted!!"
Nice job, you guys! Rook and pawn endgames are not easy, so if you solved all these puzzles correctly, you are really working hard! Good for you.