IM Levy Rozman Announces Chess Scholarship Fund

Popular chess streamer IM Levy Rozman (also known as GothamChess) has just announced a scholarship opportunity where he will give away $100,000 to chess programs in United States schools with the goal of supporting competitive school chess teams.

Each recipient school for the "Levy Rozman Scholarship Fund" will receive grants between $5000-$15,000 USD to pay for the costs of training, tournament fees, and travel expenses.

Rozman just passed 1 million subscribers on Youtube to become one of the biggest online chess personalities in the world. ChessKid is assisting Rozman in helping to identify worthy schools. He will help decide which schools become scholarship recipients.

Levy Rozman Scholarship Fund

"I have always considered chess as the great equalizer — no matter where you come from, or how fortunate of a financial situation you grow up in," Rozman said. "The 64 squares can teach you a plethora of unique lessons. So I want kids to actually receive a boost and be able to take their chess to the next level.

"I hope this Scholarship fund is able to raise the floor and the ceiling of scholastic programs. Students without resources will be able to learn and compete without worrying about financial stability, and the strongest students will be able to fully commit to achieving their goals using the highest quality lessons available."

Part of each winning schools' grant will include ChessKid and memberships to further support Rozman's mission. is the scholastic extension of - the #1 online chess site. ChessKid is dedicated to being a safe place for kids to learn and play chess. ChessKid introduces kids at an early age to the game of chess, teaching them how to play while having fun.

The APPLICATION DEADLINE is October 29, 2021. Decisions will be made by November 5, 2021. Your school will be contacted if you are selected, and ChessKid will work with your program to secure online memberships and scholarship funds. Scroll to the bottom to complete the 2021 Levy Rozman Scholarship Application

WHO SHOULD COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION: Elementary, middle or high schools with a competition chess program with the majority of grants going to K-8 schools. It is expected, although not required, that most winning schools compete regularly in state and national competitions.

School chess programs that are awarded grants will have to submit a report of how they spent the money, and give one quarterly video (can be given by teacher or a kid) about their progress. Scholarships will only be awarded to school chess programs, not individuals.




IM Levy Rozman aka "GothamChess"