My Road to GM: My First GM Norm (Part 2)

Hi Chesskids! I'm back with part 2 of how I earned my first GM norm. In case you missed the first part of this series, check it out here.

Photo Credit: Sandra Schmidt

Game 5: GM Jiri Stocek (2555) vs FM Shreyas Royal (2435)

Round 5 was the clash of the two leaders. I surprised him in the opening, and he decided to play a dubious line. I punished his dubious line and was better because I had the two bishops. In the opposite-side castling middlegame, I tactically outplayed him, and I won the game with some nice blows.

Can you find the winning move for black here?

 You can find the answer on Move 23 for black in the game below:

I was beaming after this game; I was solely leading the tournament now with 5/5! Surely the GM norm is almost in the bag?


 End of Round 5: 5/5

 Photo Credit: Sandra Schmidt

Game 6: FM Shreyas Royal (2435) vs GM Eltaj Safarli (2616)

I was now playing a very strong GM who had a peak rating of 2694. He decided to play a side-line which I had never faced before. I played some normal moves, before this constellation arose, in which a repetition of moves was possible.

I went into it consciously, because I didn't think he would repeat the moves. Then he did it after all! My winning streak had just been broken, but I was still leading the tournament and therefore I was not so disappointed. 

Me enjoying the beautiful views after the game

End of Round 6: 5.5/6

Game 7: GM Anton Korobov (2659) vs FM Shreyas Royal (2435)

The rematch was here. Seven months after my unlucky loss against this legendary player, I was playing the 4-time Ukrainian Champion again. I did not play such a good game though, mainly psychologically, because the opening he had chosen was very uncomfortable for me. I was slowly getting outplayed, and I lost.  


Me struggling during Round 7. Photo Credit: Sandra Schmidt

End of Round 7: 5.5/7

Game 8: FM Jimmy Jubin (2307) vs FM Shreyas Royal (2435)

After a disappointing loss yesterday, I was feeling a bit upset that I had partly hindered my chances of a GM norm, but I did not lose hope. I still needed 1.5/2 in the final two games to get my norm.

My opponent was also doing really well and had IM norm chances, so I decided to play a very solid game. I made one mistake, but otherwise it was a really quiet game which ended in a draw. I needed to win tomorrow to get my GM norm…

 Me thinking during Round 8. Photo Credit: Sandra Schmidt

End of Round 8: 6/8 

Game 9: FM Shreyas Royal (2435) vs IM Koepke Christian (2301)

In the final round, I needed to win to get my GM norm and a good chance of a top 10 prize. It was a Benko where I sacrificed the pawn back and it became quite a strategical game. I got a better position but, suddenly, he blundered into a trap I had set up which forced his resignation!

Can you find the clever tactic I had in mind?

Qxh7+! forces mate after Kxh7 Rh4+ Kg8 Rh8#

I was star-struck that I had gotten my first GM norm!

End of Round 9: 7/9

Fun Pictures:

I decided to celebrate the last day, mainly by going cycling with a friend to explore the glamourous town.

Me outside the entrance:

Me about to go cycling:

Me with my GM norm certificate:

Wow, chesskids! It feels like I just got my first IM norm yesterday, and now I just scored my first GM norm! I finished in joint first place, but 5th on tie-breaks in a remarkable 14-way tie for first. I hope you enjoyed reading this article, and stay tuned till I get my 2nd GM norm!