It will be white to move in each diagram. Don't let black escape! And no "hoping" moves---only forcing moves. Forcing means there is very little choice for the other team. If your dad forces you to eat your vegetables, there's really no getting out of it.
Eat your vegetables...
Yay! We love vegetables!
I will do the first one for you. Remember to ask, "Where can the king escape right now?"
1. The king could escape to a8. If he is completely trapped, then he will have to move his b-pawn and I can take it with my pawn. Checkmate! What if the pawn goes to b5? Do you remember en passant?!
2. Your turn! Where can the black king go? Nowhere! All you have to do is make check. Why isn't it mate in one? Deflect the knight first. (By the way, thank goodness it isn't black's turn, right? You see why hoping moves don't work?)
3. Boy, don't you wish you could just pluck your pawn up and place it, safely, on g6? Hmmm...
4. Force the king to move where you want him!
5. If one pawn can't do it, try the other pawn!
6. Check the king to push him where you want him. Chess players are so pushy, gosh!
How did you do? Did you answer all puzzles correctly on your first try? If not, you should do them again, quickly!
Don't underestimate the power of each piece. All your pieces are useful in some way. They are all your friends. Yay!
Tip of the week: Use all your "friends" to crush your other "friends" over the chessboard!