Student Game: Put Pressure on the Pinned Piece (and Checkmate!)
Hi chesskids! The State Grade Championships took place yesterday in Charlotte, NC, and many of my students played! After round one, I was surprised to see the majority of them had the same exact
opening and tricky possibilities. (How do I know? They
notated!!) What was really coincidental, was that in a practice game while the kids were playing, I played the very same trick on one of my student's dads! He was a really good sport and enjoyed seeing the recurrence of this trick in their games later.
What trick am I talking about? The Pin When the King is Castled! I used to call it The Vineet, since that student did it to everyone he played. Maybe you can think of a better name for it
...The following is a game where my 6th grade student Cole had the black pieces and played, I think, a perfect game. Very rare!
See if you can find the same tricks. And you really should learn this one, since it obviously happens ALL THE TIME!
The opening looks rather benign (pronounced: beh-nine = not dangerous).
Here is where it gets fun. Don't I always tell you to castle? Well, here is one time when you should play a prophylactic (pronounced: pro-fill-ack-tick = preventing) move first. White should have played h3 instead of castling. What should black do here?
Yes! That is a relative pin. Now, what do you do to a pinned piece?
(PP on the PP!)
Now white is in trouble! The knight can't capture the other knight without losing the queen! Watch what happens when the kingside gets blown open!
This is starting to look dangerous for white...not so benign! Why do you think black played Nh5? Well, he noticed that the g
file was open, and wanted to take advantage of it, but the knight was in the way. What should Cole play next? It's
mate in two!!
Great job, Cole! Really perfect game! I hope everyone learned some cool moves (pin and pressure) from this game. And don't forget to play h3 if they are threatening the Bg4 pin! (Of course white could do this to black, too...
