Ready to learn the game of chess? Start right here! This is an introduction to the superpowers of each chess piece, the goal of the game, and some special rules about how pieces move.
An overview of how to play chess
Everything you need to know about how to play chess is all here in one fun video! You'll learn all six pieces, how to win a game, the three special rules of chess, and even some opening tips. If you want to play chess and only have time to watch one video, it should be this one!
Learn how to move the chess pieces! FM Mike Klein begins with a powerful, simple piece: the rook.
FM Mike Klein teaches you how to move the tricky bishop and what the word "diagonal" means!
FM Mike Klein shows you which two pieces combine to make the super-powerful queen.
The most important piece in chess - the king!
FM Mike Klein demystifies the pawns. You get eight of these small but tricky guys, so use them well!
Time to jump around with the trickiest piece in chess -- the knight!
FM Mike Klein shows you how to give a check, and what to do if you find yourself in check.
Learn how to WIN a game of chess: CHECKMATE!
What happens when a player is not in check, but has no piece or pawn able to move? That's something different entirely; a stalemate is a tie.
FM Mike Klein explains the special move called castling, where you are allowed to tuck your king safely away toward the corner.
FM Mike Klein explains everything you need to know about promotion and en passant.